

3Designer - Redefining 3D Shirt Model Creation

3Designer is an innovative web application dedicated to effortlessly creating 3D shirt models. This cutting-edge platform integrates AI and generative design options, providing users with a revolutionary approach to the design process.

Project Snap 1Project Snap 2Project Snap 3Project Snap 4Project Snap 5

Key Features and Technologies:


Vite Development Environment:

Developed using Vite for a fast and efficient development experience.

Utilizes Vite scripts for building, development, linting, and previewing.


React Three Fiber for 3D Rendering:

Incorporates React Three Fiber to seamlessly render 3D shirt models within the React ecosystem.

Leverages the power of WebGL for high-performance 3D graphics.


Framer Motion for Animation:

Enhances user interactions and visual appeal with Framer Motion for animation effects.

Provides smooth transitions and dynamic animations for an engaging user experience.


HTML2Canvas for Screenshot Capture:

Incorporates SWR (stale-while-revalidate) for efficient data fetching, ensuring up-to-date content for users.

Offers users the ability to save and share their creations effortlessly.


AI Integration with OpenAI:

Employs OpenAI for AI integration, enabling intelligent and generative design suggestions.

Enhances the design process by providing innovative ideas and design options.


React Color and React Icons:

Utilizes React Color for a customizable color picker, allowing users to choose from a diverse range of colors.

Enhances the user interface with React Icons for intuitive and visually appealing icons.


Valtio for State Management:

Implements Valtio for state management, ensuring efficient and predictable state updates.

Enables seamless synchronization between different components of the application.


Tailwind CSS Styling:

Adopts Tailwind CSS for a utility-first approach to styling, facilitating a responsive and visually appealing design.

Customizes the UI for an optimal user experience.


Version Control and Collaboration:

Employs Git for version control, ensuring a collaborative and organized development process.

Server-Side Created For AI Communication Tech Stack:


Express for Web Server:

Utilizes Express as the web server framework for handling HTTP requests and responses.

Implements robust routing and middleware for efficient server-side functionality.


Cloudinary for Image Management:

Integrates Cloudinary for efficient image management and storage.

Enables seamless handling of 3D shirt model images and related assets.


CORS for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing:

Implements CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for secure cross-origin communication between the client and server.

Ensures a secure and controlled environment for API interactions.


Mongoose for MongoDB Integration:

Integrates Mongoose as the MongoDB ODM (Object Document Mapper) for streamlined database operations.

Ensures efficient data storage and retrieval for user-generated content.


Dotenv for Environment Variables:

Uses Dotenv for managing environment variables, ensuring a secure configuration.

Facilitates easy configuration and deployment across different environments.


Nodemon for Development:

Implements Nodemon for automatic server restarts during development, enhancing the development workflow.

Enables a smooth and productive development experience.


OpenAI for AI Integration:

Leverages OpenAI on the server-side for AI integration and generative design suggestions.

Enhances server-side intelligence for providing advanced design recommendations.

Continuous Improvement:

Regularly updates dependencies to leverage the latest features and security patches. Follows industry best practices in web development for scalability and maintainability.

Project conclusion:

3Designer represents a fusion of cutting-edge technologies to redefine the process of creating 3D shirt models. With a focus on user experience, design innovation, and robust server-side functionality, 3Designer stands as a testament to the seamless integration of AI in the design process. Elevate your creativity with 3Designer, where 3D shirt model creation becomes an intuitive and exciting experience.

Project Snap 1Project Snap 2Project Snap 3Project Snap 4Project Snap 5